Thursday, January 27, 2011

These are a few of my favorite things...

#1. These two people :)
#2. Emma's two bottom teeth - adorable and hilarious
(if you look close enough you can see them in this pic)

#3. Inside jokes with my hubby (he makes me laugh so hard)
#4. Blue Bell ice cream - YUMMM. My new favorite flavor is Tin Roof - you HAVE to try it

#5. Getting ready in the morning with this girly on my lap...

#6. The Pioneer Woman blog - it's official, I'm obsessed!

#7. When Emma cuddles with me - this is VERY rare so I cherish every second I can get!
#8. Food Network. You can pretty much count on this channel being on at anytime during the day. LOVE LOVE LOVE it.

Monday, January 17, 2011

The Happiest Place on Earth

On January 8th Thomas and I took a day trip to DISNEYLAND!!!
(it was my Christmas/Anniversary present!)
We flew to Orange County in the morning, rented a car,
spent the day at Disneyland/California Adventure,
and then flew back to Phoenix that night

Look how grown up we are with our rental car

California Screamin' is one of our favorite rides!
(and Tower of Terror but we didn't get a picture)

We had such a fun time at the happiest place on earth
and we lived happily ever after :)

Friday, January 7, 2011


Where has the time gone?? It's almost been 2 months since my last post (besides my rant post a couple days ago...) and sooo much has happened! I'll just pick up where I left off...


Emma and I spent the greater part of November in Arizona! First with the Thurston's for about 2 weeks and then we spent Thanksgiving week with the Nelson crew!

Having fun with Great Grandma Nelson

Thanksgiving morning my sister-in-law Emily and I ran the Mesa Turkey Trot 10K (6.2 miles) It was a blast! Here we are before the race:
and after:

My birthday was the day after Thanksgiving. It's so good to be around family for your special day (especially when everyone is glued to the TV watching football....yes, it was special....)


After all the Thanksgiving fun ended it was back up to p-town for one last hoorah before packing up and leaving Provo for good!

Thomas' flag football team played in the semi-finals,

we went to my cousin Jami's baby shower,

we had a bath time photo-shoot,

and we had a going-away party to say goodbye to all our friends!

Thomas finished his finals, we got our apartment all packed up and said goodbye to Provo! It was a bittersweet goodbye for me but we're so happy to be in Arizona! (just in time to miss the freezing Utah winter :)

We celebrated the Christmas festivities with the Thurston's

Monday for FHE Paige hosted a game show involving the married couples in the family asking questions about their spouses. It was a blast even though Thomas and I didn't win...But hey, we still got a prize of double-stuffed oreos :)

Emma got all decked out for Christmas Eve, what a doll :)

Playing nerf ball out in the street

And then, of course, we recreated the Nativity story.

Lindsay was our narrator,
Parker played the angel(s),
Mom played the wiseman/photographer,

Paige was Mary, Tanner was Joseph, and Dad
played the donkey...he fit the part perfectly :)

Jake, Brittney, and Thomas were our audience/photographers/videographers.
(oh, and I was the shepherd)
This was my surprise Christmas/Anniversary gift from my darling hubby!!

It's hard to tell but he printed off a map of DISNEYLAND!! and on the back he printed off our flight itinerary! He is so cute :) We actually leave tomorrow!! Just a one day trip - fly to Burbank in the morning, spend all day at disneyland/california adventure, and fly back to Phoenix that night. I'm so excited I can't even believe it!
I was so surprised to open this from him - he thought that I knew but I had no idea! Talk about the best present EVER, not to mention the best husband EVER!

We ended the year 2010 by celebrating our 2 YEAR anniversary (I know, we made it two years!) with dinner and a movie. For New Years Eve we had a few of our good friends over for a night of games and a Seinfeld marathon! Goodbye 2010, here we come 2011 :)

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


So I probably spent about an hour and a half last night working on a post of all our holiday pictures. By midnight I still wasn't finished so after saving my post a million times I closed it out to finish it up tonight...Well to my utter dismay, my draft disappeared!! I can't find it anywhere!! and I'm not kidding you I saved it at least 6 or 7 times! And doesn't it automatically save like every five minutes anyways? Someone please tell me how this happened, I'm so mad right now I could break something

Well, since it's 11:23pm right now I'm not going to restart my whole post'll just have to wait. So in the meantime please enjoy this adorable video:

Sometimes I wonder why we even bother buying toys
when she's perfectly happy playing with a wet paper towel!!